Gut Check Time America


Keith L. Anderson, Ph.D

     The time has come for everyone who calls themselves an American to do what we used to call in football, a gut check. Every coach I ever had taught us about reaching deep down inside ourselves to find out who we really are. In performing a gut check operation, one has to ask oneself, what in the hell do I really want and what am I willing to do to get it? The gut check operation has only one rule; to thine own self be true. The most important part of this gut check operation is the “what am I willing to do to get it” part. It is time to stop blaming others for not attaining the so-called American Dream. Right now the American Dream isn’t what’s important. Whether you thin American is good or bad, you better come to understand that we are within a hair’s breadth from not having an America at all! It has come time for us to all ask ourselves if we like living in a country that may be slow at getting to equality, or would we rather live in a country where the American Dream is not difficult to reach, because the American Dream no longer exist. 

      It is no longer a slow but sure thing. We’ve become a nation in which the truth is always a lie. We are now lied to in the open and at lightning speed. A true gut check operation should make us all slow this shit down. We need to see and understand what and who, are real and true verses what’s a fake and a lie. The gut check operation isn’t about which political party one belongs to. Nor is it about the color of one’s skin. This isn’t about the gender of the person one marries. This is about saving our country, as imperfect as it has sometimes been. We have had our growing pains, but there was a time America stood as the place of dreams, even to those already living here. But the problem with dreams is sooner or later you have to wake up to what’s really going on around you. While we were dreaming, we have allowed greed to become part of mainstream America. The gut check operation tells the thinker, that it doesn’t make any sense that the United States of America is the ONLY highly developed country without universal health care. The gut check operation reveals how America rarely finds the cure for anything anymore. There’s too much profit in continual treatment of illnesses and diseases. 

      As long as we are fragmented as a nation of people greed will prevail. We have traded protest and boycotts, for violence in the streets. In the end people died but nothing changes. But, we are too busy fighting each other to organize anything that will produce real change. If people did a gut check operation it would tell them that our country is being divided from within, in order to be conquered. Throughout history this is how many world powers have been defeated. But first the people must be lied to and mentally beaten into submission. 

      A gut check operation would help us to see that we have been bamboozled. Everything is ass backwards. The power isn’t in who is the next president. The power should be in the will of the people. We have the ability to allow most people to live a life of freedom and comfort, but we have allowed greed 1% to take 95% of the wealth in this country and leave and leave 99% of us fighting for a measly 5% percent. This is a color problem but the color is green, not the color of people’s skin. When one person has all the money in Monopoly, the game is over. The same can be said of America.

      The gut check operation helps me to realize, that if one person hates another person, just because that other person’s skin is another color, they are being stupid and divisive. America’s pledge has always been, indivisible with liberty and justice for ALL.